Top 13 Frequently Asked Questions on CPAlead

These are the top 13 questions regarding our CPA, CPI, and CPC features and marketplace on CPAlead.

1. How do I Share Links and Earn Money on CPAlead?

There are plenty of ways to earn at CPAlead. The most popular way is by sharing links. Find a link to hot content such as a new mod for Minecraft or script for Roblox and you will earn money when someone interacts with an ad to access your link's destination. You can share the link on TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, directly with your friends, on message forums and anywhere else that allows link sharing. Best of all membership on CPAlead is always free, you never pay us, we always pay you.

If you're a mobile app developer or website developer then simply implement our offerwall and ask your visitors to install an app to access your in-app rewards or currency. If you are a social media influencer, ask your subscribers and followers to interact with an offer to support you or to unlock premium content. If you are a media buyer, then simply buy traffic and send the traffic to any of our CPA or CPI offers.

2. CPAlead is a SCAM?

Hang on, you didn't ask a question there! But we're all about responding regardless. For us to cook up all our reviews and our backstory, we'd have to sneak past every review site's bot checks. And then there's the task of fabricating heaps of videos like where we teamed up with Grammy award winning music artist Chamillionaire to give away a Maserati right at the CPAlead office over 14 years ago. This not only shows our age it shows our consistency as well. Most of the crowd were publishers, aka folks making bank with CPAlead by sharing links. We get it, the web's full of sketchy deals, but some things—like our reviews and our videos—are just too legit to fake. Yes we have been around that long, just count the years from 2006 and use the Internet Archive if you need to see for yourself. We are also new, we rebuilt our entire network, tracking system and all, in 2024 from the ground up with all new infrastructure.

3. When will I get paid on CPAlead?

You will get paid on a daily basis, which means you get paid EVERY day for offers labeled as Fast Pay offers. This means every 24 hours. There are still some offers in our system that pay on a NET30 basis and if you'd like to avoid those, then simply only promote offers that have the 'Fast Pay' label next to them.

4. How do I monetize my Android and iOS app on CPAlead?

With our offer wall tools in your Android or iOS app, you can rake in more cash per user than with any other ad method out there. Our Offer Wall lets you give perks to your users, like in-game or in-app virtual money, just for installing another app or filling out a survey. Plus, we've got this cool Interstitial ad feature that throws up full-page ads or app promos, or you can stick banner ads on your website or app. It's a solid way to boost your earnings while keeping your users engaged.

6. Does CPAlead Really Pay? Are ALL Countries Accepted on CPAlead?

It doesn't matter where you're from, we've got you covered. We've handed out over $100 million to folks from every corner of the globe—India, Vietnam, Philippines, France, Mexico, you name it. Don't just take our word for it; look up CPAlead reviews on Business of Apps, mThink, Facebook, TrustPilot, and Google Business Reviews to see for yourself that we're legit. We've been doing our thing since 2006, ensuring everyone gets paid no matter where they are. That's our superpower.

7. What does CPA mean and how does it compare to CPM or other marketing methods?

CPA means Cost Per Action. With the CPA model, you will earn more money than traditional marketing methods because you are paid for the result of interactions with our ads directly. With CPM, you're typically put into a group of other affiliate marketers and the advertiser pays you based on the performance of the group. The beauty of CPA is that you are paid for the performance of your own traffic which means other affiliate marketers who are under performing can't bring your earnings down. We suggest using our Offer Wall as tthis tool allows you to incentivize a user to interact with a CPA or CPI offer to get YOUR mobile app or website reward / premium content. The better your reward, the more money you'll make.

8. What is a lead?

A lead is the result of a completed action with an advertisement. For instance, if your visitors installed 50 mobile apps and completed 100 surveys, you would have 150 leads.

9. How much can I earn on CPAlead?

It depends on how much traffic you have and what country that traffic is coming from. In most cases, you will earn around $1 per user interaction but depending on the type of traffic, you can earn as much as $50 per interaction. We've had members earn over $1,000,000 with our network and we've also given away prizes such as a Maserati and trips to our office in Vegas. There simply are no limits.

10. What is a CPI Offer and Why Would Anyone Pay to Have Someone Install Their App?

App creators really want their apps to be downloaded, but breaking into the app store's top lists is tough, especially for newbies. A lot of cool apps go unnoticed. To get their apps seen and climb up the rankings, they use services like ours that charge for every app install. Basically, the more people download an app, the higher it climbs in Apple's or Google's app store. A lot of developers pump up their app's visibility as part of their strategy to make their app more popular, using what's called App Store Optimization (ASO). Plus, some find it worth the cash to keep buying downloads since they make back more money when users interact with their app than what they spend on getting those installs in the first place.

11. How much do I earn with referrals on CPAlead?

Every time someone completes an action from a member you referred to, you will earn a 5% bonus. For example, if your referral earned $1,000 you would earn $50.

12. How customizable are CPAlead's tools?

Our development team spends a lot of time adding features to our tools to allow for more customization. You can customize our Offer Wall tool to match your website or mobile app PERFECTLY. For our advanced members, you can even customize ALL of the HTML and CSS.

13. How picky are lead generation advertisers about traffic on CPAlead??

Our advertisers simply want REAL leads and traffic. If you plan on sending bots (fake traffic) to our ads, please don't waste your time, you need real users to complete actions (installing apps, answering surveys, purchasing products). It's very easy to get real traffic, the most popular way is through purchasing CPC or CPV traffic as a media buyer or marketing to groups, friends, or organizations on social networks.